Fellow Pakistanis,

Today marks a historic turning point for our beloved nation. Over the past few years, we have endured immense challenges, but through perseverance and sacrifices of our people, we now find ourselves at the cusp of a new era, a time of renewed hope and opportunity.

With the launch of the 13th Five-Year Plan (2024-29), based on the transformative framework of the 5Es, we are charting a clear and ambitious course toward sustainable growth and long-term prosperity. This plan is not just a policy document, it is a roadmap for realizing our collective dream of a prosperous and thriving Pakistan.

The 13th Five-Year Plan envisions the transformative

changes that will lead us to the milestone of a trillion-dollar economy by 2035. It reflects the aspirations of every Pakistani and their determination to overcome challenges in order to secure a brighter future for generations to come. This is a moment which calls us to take action; a call for unity, determination, and relentless effort.

We must recognize that this ambitious vision requires the unwavering commitment of all segments of society. From government leaders and public servants to businesses, entrepreneurs, and every citizen of Pakistan, we all have a vital role to play in bringing this vision to life. The future we aspire to is within our grasp, but it will take collective effort, resilience, and belief in the boundless potential of our nation.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to Prof. Ahsan Iqbal, the Federal Minister for Planning, Development, and Special Initiatives, and his dedicated team for their outstanding work in crafting this transformative plan. Their foresight and dedication reflect the very spirit of progress that we seek to instill in every initiative under this framework.

As we embark on this journey, let us come together with renewed optimism and embrace this opportunity to turn our vision into reality and ensure a bright and prosperous future for every Pakistani.

May Allah guide and bless us all on this journey.