Planning Development & Special Initatives​

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem,

Today marks a historic moment as we launch “Uraan Pakistan”, our 5Es-based Five-Year National Economic Transformation Plan (2024-29). This ambi- tious roadmap is designed to lay the foundation for a strong, sustained, and high-growth modern $3 trillion techno-economy by 2047, as we prepare to celebrate the centenary of our beloved nation.

This plan is not just a strategy; it is a bold step towards realizing the Pakistani Dream-a dream of a prosperous, equitable, and thriving nation that provides opportunities for all its citizens. Built on the pillars of i) Exports, ii) E-Pakistan, iii) Environment- Food and Water Security, iv) Energy & Infrastructure, v) Equity, Ethics & Empowerment, this framework addresses our immediate challenges while charting a sustainable path to economic resilience and global competitiveness.

Our history has taught us valuable lessons. Earlier initiatives such as Vision 2010 and Vision 2025 set transformative goals but were derailed by political instability, policy reversals, and a lack of continuity. These setbacks underscore the urgent need for collective national ownership and a unified effort.

This is why I emphasize the importance of working together as TEAM PAKISTAN-a partnership of government, private sector, academia, and citizens to drive this vision forward.

The Pakistani nation is blessed with immense potential, unmatched resilience, and a spirit of inno- vation. Now is the time to make up for the lapses of the past by ensuring that no interruptions derail our journey toward progress. In a world that is becom- ing increasingly competitive and technology-driven, consistency, determination, and focus will be the keys to success. We must not allow any disruption to hinder our collective aspiration for a modern and prosperous Pakistan.

As we embark on this journey, let us be guided by the timeless words of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah:

“With faith, discipline, and selfless devotion to duty, there is nothing worthwhile that you cannot achieve.”

This spirit of faith and discipline must inspire us to break the cycles of inertia and embrace a future driven by innovation, accountability, and collabora- tion.

Let me also invoke Allama Iqbal’s stirring verse to remind us of our potential:

تو شاہیں ہے پرواز ہے کام تیرا

تیرے سامنے آسماں اور بھی ہیں

These words remind us that the horizons of prog- ress are limitless, and it is our duty to soar higher, pushing the boundaries of what is possible for our nation.

I would also like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all those who worked tirelessly to prepare this com- prehensive plan. Your dedication, expertise, and commitment have been instrumental in shaping “Uraan Pakistan” into a roadmap for our nation’s success. This achievement is a testament to what we can accomplish when we work together for a common cause.

Together, with unwavering determination and a shared commitment, we can transform the Paki stani Dream into a reality. Let us lay the foundation for a modern, progressive, and prosperous Paki- stan that stands tall among the nations of the world.

Pakistan Zindabad!

Prof Ahsan Iqbal Minister for Planning, Development