
Part-III: Plan Implementation

Objectives of the Implementation Framework 

All efforts would be made to achieve the following objectives of the implementation framework to materialize the Plan:

  • The Plan will be implemented in its true spirit.
  • All efforts would be made to achieve the goals and targets of the Plan within the given timeframe. Required resources would be made available to achieve the Plan’s goals and targets.
  • The progress of achievements of targets/ objectives will be reviewed periodically and the Plan will be updated through Annual Plans to make it a living document.
  • Elements of checks and balances, transparency and accountability in a cost-effective manner will be strengthened amongst governments and implementing agencies for better public service delivery.
  • Lessons learnt during the past would be incorporated in the future plans for better results.
  • The Plan would focus on good governance and ensure to cover the district dimensions for an effective service delivery.
  • The monitoring mechanism for public sector projects will be strengthened to ensure the quality and timely completion.
  • Monitoring and Implementation wing of the Planning Commission will be strengthened, made more efficient and proactive.

Strategies and way forward 

The major areas of the Plan are subjects devolved to the provinces after 18th amendment. Accordingly, the major responsibility regarding implementation of programs and projects and achievement of the targets/ objectives now rests with the provinces. Our national strategy is to work together to achieve targets. In order to achieve the national vision, its objectives and targets, the federal government shall work in close collaboration with the provincial governments. They are urged to take concrete steps and allocate substantial amounts. Breakup of data pertaining to the targets would be available province- wise to review the progress. Federal ministries and provincial governments will report their achievement of targets so as to review the Plan bi-annually. 

Basically, the strategy of the Plan would be to specify and devise a mechanism for line ministries and provincial departments for their specified roles to achieve the targets.
Relevant ministries will split their specified target in respective chapters and share them with the Planning Commission.

As per the strategic requirement, the Prime Minister, being chairman of the Planning Commission, will hold quarterly, biannual or annual reviews of progress on targets/
objectives of the Plan with the line ministries Likewise, Chief Ministers of the provinces will review the Plan’s targets with the respective departments on the same lines. All ministries and provincial departments will share their action plans along with their annual plans with the Planning Commission. Investment liabilities in current ADP and PSDP are already committed for next five years due to their huge throw forward of their current development portfolio of federal government as well as provinces. The review committee will rationalize the future investment plans in line with new priorities. 

Respective ministers will ascertain progress of their ministry during the quarter before the review by the Prime Minister and will share it with the Planning Commission for record and taking affirmative action.

Efforts would be made to discard the redundant positions and organizations and existing institutions would be made efficient by strengthening them further. New positions would not be created for promotions only. Efficiency and cost effectiveness would be ensured by prudent spending of the public money.

Efforts will be made to promote open and smart governance in all public agencies. For this purpose, a reliable ICT infrastructure backbone will also be established.

Reform will be undertaken in the area of public sector capacity-building to nurture a competent, accessible and motivated civil service.

Process of Implementation

  • National Economic Council under the chairmanship of Prime Minister will bi-annually review the achievements against Plan targets.
  • Chief Ministers of the provinces will review their provincial targets with the respective departments prior to the NEC meeting.
  • Ministries will adopt their respective goals. 
  • Within one month of the approval of 13th five-year plan, the implementation partners i.e. line ministries, provinces and local governments etc. will prepare their
    respective action plans as per available resources, in consultation with the Planning Commission.
  • The provincial governments will do the same exercise at their end regarding devolved subjects.
  • Minister for Planning/ Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission will hold quarterly reviews of the five-year plan, annual plan and PSDP.
  • Alignment of Public Investment with the 13th Five Year Plan would be overseen by a management committee.
  • Relevant ministries will split their specified targets along with their time frame, responsible entities and authorities mentioned in respective areas, and share with
    the Planning Commission.
  • The respective head/Chief of respective section will split the targets province wise/ ministry wise, convey to respective implementation agencies, facilitate them and
    follow up.
  • Provinces will break up the data pertaining to their respective targets and progress would be reviewed by Chief Secretaries/ P&D Departments.

Monitoring and Evaluation Framework of PSDP Projects 

Pakistan spends sizeable amounts on development projects through PSDP every year. Pakistan also receives significant inflows annually from abroad to execute various social and development projects. In most cases, these projects are delayed due to lack of a proper monitoring and evaluation mechanism. Delay in completion of projects results into time over-run which leads to cost over-run, putting unnecessary burden on the national exchequer. M&E system ensures strong checks and balances. The plan focuses on a proper monitoring and evaluation system by strengthening the existing Project’s Wing of the Ministry of Planning, Development and Reform. An efficient monitoring and evaluation system would help in learning from past experience, improve service delivery and provide better planning and proper allocation of resources. 

The project M&E framework and an implementation/responsibility matrix is given below.

Project M&E Framework

Implementation/ Responsibility Matrix

Communication Strategy

A comprehensive communication strategy has been developed to disseminate information about the 13th Five-Year Plan among key stakeholders, including experts, academia, civil society, and both Federal and Provincial governments. The goal is to amplify awareness and promote a thorough understanding of the Plan, thereby facilitating its successful execution. To accomplish this objective, the first step entails organizing a National Conference on the 13th Five-Year Plan to sensitively engage stakeholders. Subsequently, the following activities will be undertaken:


  • Placing newspaper advertisements and supplements.
  • Ensuring coverage of the 13th Five-Year Plan in Print Media, including all English and Urdu Newspapers.
  • Writing and publishing articles in magazines / papers. Conducting interviews with the Minister, Secretary, and Joint Chief Economists/Chiefs for English/Urdu print media and TV channels.
  • Advocating through the publication of monthly newsletters, brochures, booklets, special editions, and promotional material.
  •  Disseminating information and conducting interactive sessions through TV and Radio, especially FM channels.
  •  Representing/participating in prime-time programs.
  •  Broadcasting electronic media short packages on news channels regarding the National Conference on the Plan.
  •  Engaging all Pakistan Press Clubs and Press Club Associations to disseminate the information. Organize press conferences and media briefings to provide updates and insights on the progress of the Plan’s implementation.
  •  Collaborate with influential journalists and media personalities to feature in-depth interviews and discussions on various aspects of the Plan.
  •  Develop a comprehensive media kit containing key highlights, fact sheets, and visual materials to facilitate media coverage and reporting.


  • Disseminating information through capacity-building programs with social media activists/bloggers, effectively democratizing government communications and
    influencing public opinion.
  •  Designing social media campaigns tailored to the major objectives of the Plan, with a particular focus on Health, Education, Poverty Alleviation, SDGs, Climate Change, Energy, Physical Planning and Housing, Water, Nutrition, Trade, and Industrialization, aimed at positively branding Pakistan and engaging both local and international audiences.
  •  Promoting the Plan through the use of video clips, video messages, live sessions/streaming, and other multimedia formats.
  •  Create a series of informative and visually appealing infographics highlighting key statistics, achievements, and goals of the Plan. Share these infographics regularly on social media platforms to educate and engage the audience.
  •  Broadcasting video messages from the Minister, Secretary, and other relevant officials.
  •  Creating and producing videos to showcase the government’s development projects initiated under the 13th Five Year Plan.
  •  Writing content/blogs related to the major themes of the Plan.
  •  Encouraging user-generated content by launching contests, challenges, or hashtag campaigns related to the Plan, encouraging public engagement and participation.
  •  Monitoring social media channels closely for feedback, questions, and concerns from the public, and respond promptly with accurate information and clarification.
  •  Hosting live Q&A sessions (Ask the Minister) on social media platforms where stakeholders can ask questions about the Plan, its objectives, and implementation strategies. This fosters engagement and allows for direct communication with the audience.  Organizing virtual workshops and webinars on social media platforms to delve deeper into specific topics or themes covered by the Plan.



  • Disseminating information about all sections of the 13th Five-Year Plan through the official website of the Ministry.
  •  Designing and uploading each chapter in an individual module for easy access and navigation.
  •  Live streaming related events and highlighting top stories to keep stakeholders informed and engaged.
  •  Providing and updating relevant documents as required to ensure the latest information is readily available.
  •  Uploading all relevant press releases in both Urdu and English mediums to reach a wider audience and ensure accessibility.
  •  Developing a multimedia resource library containing videos, podcasts, presentations, and other multimedia materials related to the Plan. Organize the resources by theme or topic for easy navigation and access.
  •  Developing an interactive events calendar highlighting upcoming conferences, workshops, seminars, and other events related to the Plan. Users can easily find and
    register for events of interest.
  •  Ensuring the website is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, by incorporating features such as alternative text for images, keyboard navigation, and
    adjustable font sizes. This ensures that information about the Plan is accessible to everyone.
  •  Creating interactive data visualizations, such as charts, graphs, and maps, to illustrate key statistics, trends, and progress related to the Plan’s objectives. Users can explore the data dynamically, gaining deeper insights into the Plan’s impact.